Saturday, July 2, 2011

Choose Your Media Well (Part 1)

Have you ever thought about all the different people who you could have been born as, but weren’t?  You could have been born as a Chinese man who sifted between blue-collar jobs and never found a woman to marry. Or an orthodox Hindu who, despite struggling to earn enough to eat, does daily devotions of thanks to Ganesh. You could have been born HIV positive in Africa without enough resources to make it past 5. Or you could have been born retarded, or a feudal surf who lived and died 700 years ago. Or you could have been born a mosquito, an ant or a tapeworm.
Then you could think about all your parents’ eggs and sperm that didn’t fertilize and never got to be a person at all.  The chances of you being you are pretty fucking slim.   
Now turn on the TV, and witness every commercial telling you why you aren’t good enough.  Why you should dye your hair, use whitening toothpaste, have a more prestigious car, a better detergent, wear make up, and clean your house better.

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