Thursday, April 28, 2011

Last Days in Istanbul. . .

Two buddies, glad to be out of Korea, happy to be exploring Turkey.  Oh wholesome joy! Let's frolic with the joyful Muslims!

Travel buddies YEAH!
I forgave him when he puked on my socks, and I presume that he forgave me when I spent days puking out my ass (I got an intestinal infection) and generally making the bathroom a horrible place for noses.

Forgiveness!!!!!   : )  Not just for Christ!

We like cameras and took lots of pictures of pleasant things in the city.

Two buddies and one small hotel room.

A small bed. I slept on the floor.

No women. Just two straight buddies with no privacy.

We went to Galata Tower.  Joy! It cost 20 Lira and we weren't allowed to take in our tripods.  :)

 I spent most of my time in the bathroom having an ass-plosion.
The view from up top was boring!

Then, we got separated because I spent so much time in the bathroom while my ass did an awful thing. He waited for me at the top of the tower, and I waited for him at the bottom.  It was really cold.  We waited for almost an hour! Then when we found each other, we had a fight! 

To travel is to have an enriching experience; it is a wonderful investment of one's funds towards both self-discovery and good ol' fashion recreation.

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