Monday, June 13, 2011

Weinergate and a Time-Slur

The so-called "Weinergate".  

News Flash: A congress man uses Tweeter to show his wiener (or something like that) and now his political rivals and the media are trying to make this part of your concern...part of your moral concern. 

We all know about the accusations of war crimes pointed at the Bush administration. In our living rooms, on our giant plasma screens, we saw some of the bombs drop. He kept his job.

Anybody trying to understand the American ethic might conclude that warring for oil is ok, but sexting is not.  I say this because sometimes I get the impression that the collective moral code of N.America is twisted in this direction.

Also, "sexting" is a word now?   Oh.    

Sexting: On-line opinion polls show various reactions to this word.  "It's another example of technology de-humanizing us" says one school; "it saved my marriage in this fast-paced world" says another school; "blah blah blah" says others.
I also have an opinion about "sexting". It's another silly 'buzz word' with no clearly defined meaning; it's sufficiently vague that nobody can think clearly when using it as a mental category and sufficiently provocative that people can be secretly titillated and publicly outraged. For those needing to make stirring noises to the sleepy masses in lieu of expressing a thought (politicians and most media), it is a perfect word.

If we're going to create separate categories for communicative acts done via technology, I submit the following for your consideration: "hen-pexting",as in, "politicians and media are hen-pexting Weiner over his sexting".   You get a general sense of my feelings about the situation without knowing exactly--or even approximately--what the offending parties are doing.

However, my favorite line in this whole bunk issue was from Pelosi, who launched an investigation into  "whether any official resources were used or any other violation of House rules occurred".  Is Weiner's penis an official resource? She's positioning herself, I'd guess, as a prudent politician worried about ill-spent tax-dollars.  Oh btw, I wonder how much the investigation into this bunk issue will cost. ..  

This is sitcom stuff right here.

Meanwhile, "Weiner photos" is the number 1 searched for phrase on the internet right now, according to  The public is so offended by this scandal, that they want to see his penis with their own eyes. 

God bless everybody's heart.

Internal Clock Officially Broken:

I woke up at 1PM with the following gnarled thought-process:
"Since I work nights, that means that I'm awake at the same time most people in Korea are awake, given the time difference.  Therefore, since it's 1PM here, it is also 1PM there".

Sleepy brains are prone to non-sequiturs. 

Logical dexterity isn't the only thing ruined by working nights; my intuitive sense of time is on the fritz.  It feels like ages since I turned 34, but it was only yesterday.

The graveyard shift has some interesting aspects, though.  Eating my "lunch" on the curb, the town sleeps and my co-workers--psychologically shaped by a shady life--discuss cops, brag about their past crimes, comment that each passing car is probably an under-cover cop, and talk about the corruption of cops. I don't think these people hold cops in high regard.  And I shove my wallet a little deeper into my front pocket...

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