Thursday, June 2, 2011

4 Seemingly Unrelated Nodes of Today.

4-wheeler ride:
Dragonflies in numbers thick enough to dazzle, amaze and bounce off my un-visored face zig-zagged around the swamps they were spawn in today, as my dad and I took the 4-wheelers through the bush.  He spotted a doe and her fawn, who was taking milk by a creek. Curious about what my dad was looking at, I dismounted and came down to witness the surreal scene, shadowed as it was under the forest canopy peppered with sunlight. Neither animal seemed alarmed by our presence and left at leisure. It breaks my heart that they're so delicious. Such beautiful and majestic animals don't really deserve to become sausages. But I wouldn't turn one down, even with the memories fresh in my head.  Mmmm...fresh venicine venison (thanks dad). 

After working for 6 years in Korea and then taking off almost half of 2011, I was interviewed today for a position at No Frills. I admit this not without some shame.  Part-time minimum-wage-slavery isn't the best way to welcome myself back into the Canadian workforce. I got the job at least.

Irritatingly, 5% of Bancroft is unemployed (according to 2006 stats). After only a 2 hour job search without even selling myself (it never came up that I have an MA, or even a BA) I got this position. I surmise that this 5% isn't even trying. Presumably, garnished from my meager paycheck will be taxes to benefit those that consider themselves above stocking shelves, those who would sit on unemployment instead.

Dear welfare bums: You people are why Canada will never have nice things.  Except welfare.  I guess that's a nice thing for some people.   

Hot & Cold:
I lay almost dead in my sweat-dampened sheets last night trying to savour this unwintery season.  Eventually I gave up the pretense and simply cursed the goddam heat. It was a guilty little pleasure. Then a thought struck me: Is the summer as hot as the winter is cold? (That I justified in hating this heat?) I even tried to be calculating about my opinion as opposed to merely biased in my current, miserable, unairconditioned environment.My conclusion is that winter is worse for humans in Ontario. The reasoning goes like this: if left nakedly exposed to the elements, a cold winter day would probably kill you. A summer day would do damage too, but you'd likely survive. So the summer heat really is the lesser of the two evils. But it's an evil nonetheless, in my books.  

I'd always thought it an unfortunate gap that no word in the English rhymes with "orange". Consider the possibilities: mornge, thornge, klornge, etc. Nothing is wrong with these sounds except that they lack meaning. To rectify this, I was going to propose the word "blornge" to refer to the sound trees make in the breeze. "As the wind gusted, the trees blornged earnestly".  Then I discovered that blorenge really is a word and already has a meaning.  Go figure.

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