Friday, May 6, 2011

D'oh Canada.

This is the road home, and I've arrived. 

This post was originally to cover the detailed labyrinth of diligent and hair-splitting bureaucracy I've been wondering through, and with which the auspicious and noble-minded gooberment officials of Canada--duly elected by an educated and discerning populace--generously welcome and process their citizens, returning home from an extended sojourn.  But, as this blog is not politically motivated, my true heart and mind shall not here be revealed regarding the security-laden policies, written in the high-minded voice of learned lawyers rather than one established by time, and in a perceived atmosphere of mutual mistrust, tailored to maximize citizen resource expenditure for the purposes of due diligence in the efforts to avoid losses of their own.

Since I'll not yap about that, I'm almost at a loss of what to yap about, given that most of my time and energy here has so far been directed at Houdini-ing myself out of the locks of red-tape. 

1) Paudash has a lot of trees.
2) A worthwhile goal for me right now would be to enjoy this calm, and maybe root out some of the neurosis and get a clearer perspective of myself.
 3) Find a way to earn my keep, and then give the gooberment the opportunity to tax me their farce share.

4) Accept that the gooberment is what it is and that they can punish me but I cannot punish them. I'm not powerless in the face of them, but I almost am. We all are. Part of living one's life is jumping through their hoops when they hold them, or be punished. 

“The only difference between us and 1984 is we dress better
--Terence Mckenna. 

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