Monday, May 23, 2011

Secrets in the Dump, and the Universe.

Damned Mundane Reality....BE MORE MIRACULOUS! 

1) We live in the boondocks of the Milky Way, far from the busy center.  We're cosmic hicks.
2) Neither scientist nor philosopher have been able to solve the so-called 'mind-body' problem.  That is, no satisfying description has been given regarding how you can have an idea (mind) that you'll raise your arm, and then actually do it (body). How does mind influence the physical?  
3) Because the light arriving on Earth has been traveling through space for years, to look up at night is to see backwards in time.
4) We awake every morning with memories of events that didn't seem to have happened, brushing it off as mere 'dreams'. 
5) No matter which way you plant a seed under the soil, it will always sprout "upward".
6) Our lives are colorful and noisy tunnels of experience sandwiched between the nothingness before birth and the nothing of death.
7)  Men and women walk the Earth talking of Gods, other worlds, UFOs, gnomes, enlightenment, magic, and even stranger things. Lots of men and women. Mathematicians claim there are 10 dimensions. Quantum physics describes a world too weird for natural language.
8) We are born on Earth with no scroll of instructions, no mission objectives, no game-plan. We're a brain carried around by our bodies and our instincts, making the whole thing up as we go.
9) We don't know if human nature is good. By our own standards & measurements, we're the evilest, cleverest, and most caring species on this planet. 
10) Life is brief, and in spite of the first 9 things on this list, we have the capacity for boredom. 

Things at the Dump:

A rotting zombie-deer head on a plaque. 

Like a dog who jolts to life at the word "walk", I'm all about trips to the dump. Partly, this is because I'm out in the sticks and a trip out is a trip out. Discrimination is for those with options.  But I'm also eager to go because it is a place of fine-dining for bears. Bears: fascinating honey and people eating creatures that are to dogs what lions are to cats. As a child I kept a plush toy (code name: 'brown bear') and loved it sincerely. My great grandfather, around the same time, told me tales of a bear that stayed under his bed. The memories bring back the sense of terror only a 5 year old can feel. And I'm still fascinated by bears.  But I've yet to see one at the dump.  Just this thing:
Notice the eyes? The nose appears to be made of wood. Man-made?
 And this thing.
I don't know if I'd call this art, or even 'sprucing the place up'. It's no longer just a pile of garbage though; mere rearrangement has transformed it into something else. Something without a name. Magic.    

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