Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Message about Peace and War

A Facebook message from Antero Alli:

"We live in barbaric times glossed over by hi-tech addictions and complex cultural standards.As much as i personally stand for peace, I am no longer naive enough to assume that war will be rendered obsolete anytime soon. The USA is a young... adolescent nation still boasting and testing its prowess on the global stage until it gets its ass kicked and joins all the other countries humbled by warfare's horrible and necessary defeat of selfish behavior.

Opposing evil seems to have the same effect as throwing gasoline on fire. Evil needs opposition to increase its power. If we know what's worth fighting for, we don't have to waste time & energy fighting against anything. Fight for what's good and evil will eventually be revealed as the pain and suffering it always was.

I don't believe MLK and Gandhi fought against evil. I do believe they knew exactly what they were fighting for: Peace and equality. The 'good fight' triumphs over evil not by opposing it but by alignment with a greater power. This is not merely a semantic quibble but an important distinction between what results from such an alignment vs. using one's will to oppose a perceived evil".

--By Antero Alli

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