Monday, May 30, 2011

Wish upon the Internet.

8 hours in the car, nothing to show for it but an chair-shaped ass. 

The trip was to go view rooms in Kitchener, where I plan to go to school come September.  What I didn't know is that most of the areas I chose to look at were student ghettos.  Crumbling dry-walled slums.

Apartment 1: I woke the people up despite it having an appointment, despite it being around noon.  There was a motorcycle in the living room.

Apartment 2:  Large kitchen counter couldn't be seen for the beer cans. Heaps of stuff were everywhere. The only available room was in the basement, with no ties to the heating.

Numbers 3 & 4 weren't too bad.  And if I had any confidence of getting even a McJob for the summer (hard in Canada, despite having a BA, tons of experience and an MA), I'd probably have stayed.

So I'm back in Paudash, in need of work and wanting for a miracle.  As in a million dollars please.  Is that too much to ask from the internet?  I mean damn rich. 

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